Saturday, January 22, 2011

Unite To Fight.....Sugar Illness......

Healthy living: its ‘you’ first
1. Healthy eating-first step to prevent diabetes
2.Regular exercise
3. Expand your mind
4. Take care of yourself
5. Preventive care 
1.Healthy Eating - first step to good health
 Diabetes is a metabolic disorder affecting  food (carbohydrate, fat and protein) metabolism.
 Nutrition therapy should be an integral part of management. Guide your food choices with the help from the “Food Guide Pyramid”
Effective tool in combination with physical exercise and  preferable to pharmacological therapy.
For patients with IGT; those at risk of; or  in early stages of type 2 diabetes.
Inappropriate nutrition can make best planned pharmacological intervention ineffective .
 A well-balanced diet coupled with regular exercise is a successful combination to help keep your body fit.
Eating well is not complicated
Eat plant-based foods- go for variety
Drink water 6-8 glasses (8 ounce) of water/day
Look for fat, cholesterol and sodium in diet
too much fat (saturated) can raise risk of heart disease
Some fats (olive oils, nuts) are better than others
Only small amount of sodium is required (< 1/4th teaspoon/day)
Eat nutritious…..Not heavy food  A healthy habit for healthy aging
2.Exercise Regularly:
Establishing a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE is your primary & best prevention against diabetese and many of the cardiovascular complications.
Go for morning walk
        •Start slowly & increase gradually
        •Enjoy your exercise
        •Aim for 30 min or more on most days of the week
        •Be creative
        •Pace yourself
        •Know when to stop
Benefits of exercise:
helps reduce weight
improves circulation of blood
builds confidence
builds muscle
strengthen your heart
improves sleep
reduces stress
controls your appetite
add years to your life
you feel great  & feel energized
3.Expand Your Mind
Physical activity keeps body strong & mental activity keeps your mind sharp & agile
Continue to learn and challenge yourself
“We begin aging when we stop learning”
4.Take care of yourself
 Health tips to save your life
Get regular checkups
Monitor BP regularly
Get screened for specific cancers
Tell your Dr. about all medications you take
Stop smoking
Exercise regularly
Eat less saturated fat & cholesterol
5.Preventive Care
         Blood Sugar (fasting) testing
measurement of sugar in your blood after 8 hr fast
if you are 45 or older-check every 3 years
if at risk of diabetes-more frequent
get this test if you have signs and symptoms of diabetes-excessive thirst, frequent urination, unexplained wt loss, fatigue or slow healing cuts or bruises
If unhealthy eating and life style is causing this
massive epidemic of Diabetes and Obesity then it
should be possible to prevent it by a healthy lifestyle and food habit.
Know Diabetes To Fight Diabetes Team